”Do you want to know who you are? Do not ask, act!
Doing determines and shapes you,
from your Doing you shall know yourself.”

For a long time, I’ve dreamt of painting again. As a child I loved to paint and draw, happily lost in my drawings forhours. Ania, the “Artist,“ was who I thought I’d become. However far life pulled me away from art, I always remembered my love for drawing and painting.
Creatinig is my passion and painting is much more than a hobby. Drawn into my painting, hours pass. Submerged in creation, my soul flows from my hand to my fingers to my brush and onto the canvas. While my soul wanders amongst the stars, my mind remains on terra firma confronting my problems. My passion to paint gives me the strength and determination to overcome all obstacles. I awake each morning excited by the possibility of creating – seeing the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary, furthering my artistic growth in order to capture on canvas an infinitesimal portion of life’s infinite glory. This quest led me beyond canvas.
The scarves and bandanas based on my art enable the wearer to become my co-creator. Together we add to the kaleidoscope of color comprising the environments the wearer moves in and out of. Each step of the wearer’s journey momentarily becomes a reflection of ourshared sensibilities, a statement of our joint expression, a reminder to the observer that we are each unique and glorious in our own way.
In the displayed samples you will see fragments and multiples of my acrylic and oil paintings. These samples show my passion to create and provide a glimpse of my soul.